Preaching an act to someone is easy but to follow within oneself is the real challenge. At times we believe ourselves to be brave enough to face situations which others may have found it hard. When such experiment happens in life, people get hopeless, lose concentration on their responsibility, Fear for fair future, end up being dissociated with their real identity.
Why does this happen and what would be the outcome?
Everytime it happens to us that Being a practicing believer somewhere we knowingly or unknowingly try to step out from the track of piety. Which will lead us in Lessening our gratitude shown towards creator. We eventually fail to realise that the spiritual discipline we maintained till then is now converting into addiction towards the materialistic amusement which would gradually make us to forget remembering our creator.
And that's how the table turns out. Once when the creator is not the central theme of our life, we start to loose focus on the purpose of life. But our creator out of love towards his servants, inflicts a tiny hardship in order to bring him back to focus.
At this juncture his steadfastness is tested, If He used to be a practicing one, then surely his spiritual connection with his creator will rise to a convincing level and his love towards his creator now starts solidifying with ocean of tears being the medium of communication.
If we forget to learn lessons from inflicted hardships then we bound to repeat the same mistake again which had compelled us before to face the same hardship.
Hardship is thus blessing and He who understands it and remains patient while repairing his relationship with his creator will be best among the creations.
"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest." (Surah Ar-Ra'd 13:28)
~Shaad Bajpe