Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Mashita r. a (Hairdresser of Firaun's Palace )

Part 2: Mashita r. a (Hairdresser of Firaun's Palace )

Our Women are our Motivation if they knew their status in this Religion of faith.

Egypt, The Name is Famous for its Historical Arena.
You might have come across a famous tyrant ruler Pharaoh (Firaun ) who claimed to be God himself and also who used to stubbornly mention that "Ana Rabbukumul A'ala" means "I am your lord the most high".

The time of the rise of Islam under the prophethood of Moosa (A . S ) had just touched the city in the midst of the oppression of Pharaoh on Banu Israa-eel and there was not a greater spread of this beautiful religion which stood for justice, as one of its core values. The first to come to Deen had not declared their faith publicly as of fear of being killed by the tyrant Firaun.

In this interim there was a Hair Dresser (Mashita) of Firaun's daughter, may Allah be pleased with her. One day comb slips from her hands while combing Firaun's Daughter's hair, and she subconsciously picked the comb and accidentally yelled 'Bismillah', amazed by the newly heard word, Firaun's daughter asked with curiosity about whom was Mashita referring to! To which Mashita said "The Lord" and in reply, she asked " So you mentioned about my Father?" and Mashita replied, "No, it is Allah the lord of Universe and lord of Mine, Yours and Your Father's".

These Undigested words of Mashita angered Firaun's Daughter and she threatened to inform this news to her Father, and Mashita had only to smile for this and fearlessly shook her head without bothering to care for her threatening.

The news spread in the entire palace and Mashita was placed in the culprit spot. And now everyone including her knew that she is in great danger, at that moment she had to make a split decision Who do I love more? Allah or Myself, Now she does not worry about herself and makes sure that her Eeman is firmly Implanted in her heart even if she knew that she was going to be subjected to the horrific oppression by worst tyrant Ruler.

To be continued...

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