Part 3: Mashita r.a (Hairdresser of Firaun's Palace)
Our Women are our Motivation if they knew their status in this Religion of Faith.
Egypt, The Name is Famous for its Historical Arena.After the news spread to the entire palace and Mashita r.a was brought in front of Firaun's court and was questioned...
Firaun was on his throne and conversation between Haq and Bathil went on this way
She came and stood in front of this tyrant and he asked her: “Who is your God?”
She said: “Allah is my Lord.”
He asked: “Who is Allah?”
She said: “Allah is my lord and yours.”
Raged by the answer
Tyrant Firaun said: “What? Bring the chains.”
They brought the chains and they began to punish her and whip her.
“Who is your Lord?”
And she would say: “Allah is my Lord and your Lord.”
Now, he orders them to bring a large container, like a swimming pool, and then he spilled hot boiling oil into it. And then he said: “Bring me all of her children.”
Beloved Mashita r.a had five children and one of them was still breastfeeding, and they brought them all one by one.
He said: “Worship me, I am your god!”
She said: “Never.”
So, he brought her first son and he threw him into the oil in front of her eyes, his meat and his flesh fell off his body, and then his bone disintegrated. Then they brought her next son and she was unmoved in her faith, she was of the caliber that would claim that ‘be it 1 or 2 or my entire family I would bear it for my covenant with Allah.’
He said: “Be patient my mother! You are on the truth. Allah has promised you with the great heaven. Keep going, mother.” This enormously boosted her Eeman this time with immense of steadfastness.
And then they threw her son into the boiling oil, and she was the next. She knew that she was going to die. And then she began to cry and Pharaoh said:
“Why are you crying?”
She said: “I am crying because I want to ask you to do something for me, I don’t know if you will do it.”
He said: “Ask me about whatever you like.”
She said: “Once you throw me into the oil, then I want you to gather whatever is remaining of our bodies, and I want you to bury us together in the same grave because I want to be resurrected with my children, and I wanted to go to Jannah with my children, I don’t want them to go out of my arms.”
The Virtue of this women was such that on the night of Mihraj when Prophet Muhammed (sws) experienced a beautiful fragrance coming to him and upon asking he was answered that it was the fragrance of the hairdresser and her children who worked in the palace of Firaun. And her story was narrated to Prophet Muhammad Sws by the Leader of Angels, Jibreel A.s,
The History has given us such beautiful pearls who have faced the worst tyrants but unmoved in their Eeman who have sacrificed their lives happily in the path of Allah and it literally inspires us upon hearing the women of Islam had faced the same oppressions with even more steadfastness. One can remember that the first Shahadah of this Ummah was Summaya r.a. Women have been always an inspiration in Islam and in this present situation this Ummah is longing for such a mother who prepares their children for the Akhirah and not this Dunya.
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